Student Management within Education
Student management within Education service centres allows students to join a virtual service or book an appointment from their mobile phone, touch-screen kiosks or via the Business website or Business App.
Hague QMS manages the wait time and will keep the students updated and notify them when it’s their turn to be served. No more frustrating waiting areas as Hague QMS will keep them informed via their mobile phone.
Student (queue) Management within University Service Centres has been developed specifically to make interactions between students and Student Services easier. We all know that students would rather be catching up with the latest tweet, getting a coffee or, come to think of it, anything else other than sitting in a waiting area. The great news, Hague QMS lets them get on with their lives and by the way, the service centre staff will be happier as well.
With Hague QMS Queue Management for Universities & TAFEs, students can go onto the University website or use the University App to view real-time service centre data such as ‘how long do they have to wait to be seen or ‘can they book an appointment for tomorrow at 10 am. With Hague QMS, all students have the flexibility to interact how they want.
Additionally, to the web and App interactions, students can join a virtual queue or book an appointment by SMS, using a touch-screen kiosk around the campus or talking to one of the on-site Concierges who will be using Hague QMS.
Let’s look at some of the key features:
Virtual Meetings
Why not set up a separate Virtual Meeting or Telephone call-back service? The students will receive instructions on how they can get in contact which will include meeting IDs and passwords.
Interactive Mobile:
Let your customers use their mobile phones to join a virtual waitlist or select a service. Hague QMS provides interactive information such as “How long before my turn“? ‘Where do I go’ and can even include location maps.
Allowing interaction ensures that your students don’t just sit in the waiting area, they are free to get a coffee or catch that latest Tweet
Click to Chat
As Hague QMS SMS is interactive, why not offer an option for your students to ‘click to chat’? Click to Chat will use a third-party application and potentially remove the need for students to see an advisor…that’s a real-time saver!
WhatsApp Messaging
In addition to two-way SMS messaging, Hague QTrac now also supports WhatsApp. WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted messaging that is fast becoming the ‘standard’ for interactive messaging.
WhatsApp is a freeware, cross-platform, centralized instant messaging, and voice-over-IP service owned by the United States tech conglomerate Meta Platforms. It allows users to send text, voice, and video messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user locations, and other content.
The additional benefit of WhatsApp, it’s free for both your business and your students; no more costly SMSs.
Business App
Every student will have a million and one App on their phone. Social media apps will be their favourites but, what about the one they can use to interact with Student Services, your University App?
Hague QMS will integrate into your University App by either a web URL (easiest and quickest implementation) or, fully embedded.
Let’s face it, all customers will be familiar with your App therefore it follows that you should use it for more than an information share.
University Website
As with your App, shouldn’t you be using your website for more than information sharing? Why not let students view services on offer and then interact with those services, join a virtual waitlist, or book an Appointment?
Whilst many queue management systems require a business to have ‘user licenses’ servers and all the complexities that usually come with a queue management solution, Hague QMS doesn’t. With Hague QMS, we don’t care how many counters you have. We don’t care how many people use Hague QMS within your University or TAFE. With Hague QMS, you can use the solution wherever and whenever you want with the added benefit of no restrictions on the number of users that you’ll need to run your business effectively.
There are several advantages of unlimited licenses however, we believe one of the biggest is the fact that you can deploy as many Concierges in your service centre as you need. Simple!
Click HERE to find out about Concierge
Hague QMS Appointment
There is no doubt that Hague QMS student queue management is the most advanced queue management system available in Australia. In addition to the functionality of touch-screen kiosks, SMS interaction, Concierge, web and App access, Hague QMS also incorporates Appointment Booking.
Hague QMS Appointment Booking allows students to pre-book appointments with a specific resource or course tutor. Once their appointment is selected, Hague QMS checks the staff members’ calendars and confirms or cancels the appointment. Once confirmed, students receive an email and SMS…they will also receive an SMS two hours before their appointment t and so no more ‘no-shows’.
All appointment slots are managed by you and whilst you can always schedule holidays or special event days, there will always be the ‘unseen’ sick days. No worries as Hague QMS will also manage these ensuring your students can only book when staff are available.
Click HERE to find out about Hague QMS Appointments
Student Feedback
Ok, so your students have joined a virtual queue, booked an appointment, they have waited in the coffee shop instead of a long line and now, they have been served…what next?
The part missing from every student queue management solution is the ability for the student to tell you exactly what they thought! Whilst some feedback may criticise the way you run your service centre, you’ll welcome the feedback (the good or bad).
With Hague QMS, once the student has been served, Hague QMS will automatically send the student an SMS with a link for the survey. The staff member doesn’t have to do anything. Once the student has completed the survey, all submitted surveys can be reviewed. What’s more; as a business, you can change the questions asked, the format of the survey and the feedback format…easy!
Click HERE to find out about Feedback
Hague QMS – Staff Portal
When a staff member logs onto Hague QMS, the first screen they are presented with will be their ‘Daily Feed’.
The Daily Feed contains information such as the Appointment scheduled for today, Intranet feeds, links to third-party products such as your CRM solution, recognition badges and rewards and other related information. The Daily Feed page can be accessed at any time of day and is customizable.
Touchscreen Kiosk
If you still require a touchscreen kiosk, no problem; Hague Australia can provide them.
Our commercial touchscreen kiosks use the latest 22″ LCD technology backed up by HP & Dell’s latest processors. If you require ticket printing, MSR readers or ID Scanners, again, not a problem as these can also be provided.
Our range of touchscreen kiosks is fully branded using your logo and colour scheme.
Let’s talk about Integration
Gone are the days when each system was standalone. Today, we live in a connected world and as such, why should your Service Centre solutions be the same?
If you are using a CRM solution to manage all external communications with your students, why can’t your service centre utilize this within their daily operations…. well, now they can. Extended usage of CRM interactions ensures all your data is exactly where you need it.
We know that everyone is different and that’s why Hague QMS offers multiple language choices out of the box.
Dynamic Digital Displays
Whilst Hgaue QMS largely uses the Student’s mobile phones to interact, we have to think about students of all abilities. Some students may not have a mobile phone or, not working. Given this, Hague QMS includes a full Digital Signage solution you control.
Hague QMS Digital Signage allows you as a business to incorporate real-time service data such as services on offer, wait times etc along with your Marketing team’s latest videos, images and messaging.
Real-time Management and Operational Reporting
Having all the flexibility of Hague QMS has proven to be a real game-changer for many Universities. Not only does it allow for complete flexibility on how students interact with your service centres, but Hague QMS also includes real-time reporting and, a report generator that you control.
Some operational and management teams want a quick hit of information to see what’s happening at that moment in time; if this is the case, Hague QMS has a real-time Management Dashboard showing the service states at that moment in time.
Take it one step further and the Hague QMS Report Genorator allows your business to create reports based on the criteria you chose. No more canned reports that don’t show the information you want.
As you are in control of Hgaue QMS, if you decide to capture additional information from your students about their visit, these fields will be automatically added to the file structure of Hgaue QMS Report Generator and can be reported on.
In the final piece, all reports can be shared with colleagues or the management team. All reports can be scheduled to run whenever you want.
All you need is an internet connection, Hague Australia manages everything else. There was no software to install, licenses or even support agreements to worry about. Would I recommend Hague Australia & QMS? Yes, without a doubt” – Australian University
“We found that QMS helped our staff manage students within our service centre better than our traditional kiosk system. We extended the use of QMS to now manage our Course Decision days when we process over 1,000 potential students within four hours”. – Australian University
If you want to know more about Queue Management, click here