QLess Appointment Booking – Hague Australia Council Demo
Welcome to the QLess Council Demonstration Page
QLess Queue Management has been developed specifically to make interactions between Customers and Government Services easier. We all know that customers would rather be catching up with the latest tweet, getting a coffee or, come to think of it, anything else other than sitting in a waiting area. The great news, QLess lets them get on with their lives and by the way, the service centre staff will be happier as well.
With QLess Queue for Council & Government, customers can go onto the Government website or use the Business App to view real-time service centre data such as ‘how long do they have to wait to be seen or ‘can they book an appointment for tomorrow at 10 am. With QLess, all customers have the flexibility to interact how they want.
Additionally, to the web and App interactions, customers can join a virtual queue or book an appointment by SMS, using a touch-screen kiosk within the service centre or talking to one of the on-site Concierges who will be using the Free QLess Concierge App.
Did you know that you can join a virtual Queue we’ll let you know when we are ready to see you. By joining the queue virtually you can choose to wait anywhere you like. Once you are near the front of the queue you will be sent an SMS advising you to return to the Service Centre.
Four ways to join a virtual QLess Queue or Book an Appointment
1. Use your Mobile
To get in a ‘virtual queue’ for one of our services; SMS 0488 790 980 and add the relevant code word CCCSB. You will instantly receive an SMS response with an estimated wait time.
2. Use the Web
Use the following web link for:
Building & Development and Appointment only
3. At the Service Centre
Speak to the Concierge or use a touch-screen kiosk
You can quickly start seeing the benefits:
- Real-time queue and service data and management information (reporting) across all of your service centres
- Queuing and appointment booking via mobile phone, App, Concierge tablet, iPad kiosk, website or automated voice calls
- Free to download QLess App and Concierge App from App Store or Google Play
- Real-time customer feedback
- Integrate into customer CRM
- Free API’s (interfaces to and from QLess)
- No large capital cost and four weeks from order to go-live
3. Scan the QR Code: