Queue systems vs Customer Experience

Queue systems vs Customer Experience

Queue systems have stayed the same for many years however, over the past few years, they had to change.

Queue systems are best suited for customer and student services as they aid in effectively managing the flow of information between users. They provide added convenience, and efficiency and they will speed up your turn-around times by reducing customers’/students’ waiting times.

Queue systems provide insight into business operations. Using queue analysis software, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers, which helps in the development of new products and services as well as improving operational efficiency.

In a queue system, customers and students are processed in the order that they arrive. This sounds good, but it leads to long lines and unhappy customers. Sometimes there just aren’t enough people to handle the load; other times employees have to spend time on repetitive tasks instead of helping customers.  Added to this, different types of enquiries may take longer than others therefore, just having a queue system isn’t the best form of customer experience.

Queue systems are a convenient way to manage the flow of customers through a business. There are a lot of benefits for both the business and customers, but queue systems can also create a bad customer experience by slowing down the process and requiring customers to wait for an extended period of time.

Whilst touchscreen kiosks and ‘take a ticket’ were the ‘goto’ for many customer service organisations, there are now better ways to manage the flow of customers and students within your service centre.

queue systems

Queue Systems

Hague QMS is a queue system designed especially for customer and student service centres, aimed at enhancing your customers’ experience. The intuitive user interface makes it easy to manage queues flexibly, while advanced analytics help you spot queues before they get too long.

Hague QMS Queue systems within customer and student services can help with the following: Reducing waiting time, allowing customers to wait while they are offered other amenities and not waste their time, and increasing satisfaction rates. Improve customer service levels which have been found to be greater than those of staff who work behind a counter; the close supervision that is possible by using automated systems means higher standards than when dealing with a human front-of-house representative

Hague QMS queue system is not only a ‘walkin’ queue system, its fully integrated appointment booking also allows customers and students to book real-time appointment sessions whether they be face-to-face, virtual or via telephone.

For walking customers & students, they can use a touchscreen kiosk, scan a QR code to use their own device, speak to a Concierge or, be directly admitted to the counter.  There is no need for a queu system if there is no queue!  If directly admitted to the counter Hague QMS queue system will still capture the interaction to ensure management knows what the interaction was about, how long it took and what follow-up actions are required.

The Hague QMS queue system also includes customer and student feedback.  At the end of the service, the staff member doesn’t have to do anything as Hague QMS will send an SMS with a real-time feedback link.  Statistics have shown that customers and students who receive a feedback link immediately after their service are 80% more likely to complete the form.

Click Here for more information on Queue Management

Click Here for Student Management within Education

Click Here for Customer Management within Government

To learn about the solutions on offer, please click the relevant link: Software Solutions 

To learn more about Queue Systems, click HERE

If you would like to discuss how Hague Australia can help improve efficiencies within your customer or student service centre why not Contact Us