Touchscreen Kiosks

Touchscreen kiosks offer numerous benefits which make them valuable assets for businesses and organisations. Hague Australia’s touchscreen commercial-grade kiosks provide the highest quality customer service and convenience.


Advance Your Business With Touchscreen Kiosks

Hague Australia can provide a range of touchscreen commercial-grade kiosks.  These kiosks use the latest AOpen touchscreens housed in a full, freestanding metal base that is branded as to your marketing requirements.

Our touchscreen kiosks can include thermal printers (for a ‘take a ticket’ style of service), Magnetic Stripe Readers or RFID readers.

Touchscreen kiosks can be used with customer queue management solutions and can complement concierge solutions or other business-critical solutions that require customer interaction.

Get in Touch

Meet the Team

Michael Anastasoglou, General Manager

"Touchscreen kiosks working with queue management systems enhances customer service by empowering users with self-service options and optimizing wait times, resulting in enhanced efficiency and improved customer satisfaction."

Michael Anastasoglou, General Manager


Benefits of Hague Australia’s Touchscreen Kiosk System

  • User-Friendly Interface: Touchscreen technology provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing users to interact with the kiosk easily.
  • Efficiency: Touchscreen kiosks can streamline processes by enabling self-service options.
  • Space-Saving: Touchscreen kiosks typically have a compact design, requiring less space compared to traditional methods such as multiple staffed counters or bulky equipment. This makes them ideal for environments where space is limited.
  • Customization: Kiosks can be customized to meet specific requirements, such as displaying tailored content, offering multiple language options, or providing interactive experiences. This flexibility allows businesses to deliver personalized services and information to their audience.
  • Data Collection and Analytics: Touchscreen kiosks can collect data on user interactions and preferences, providing valuable insights for businesses. Analysing this data allows companies to better understand their customers, optimize their services, and make informed decisions to improve overall performance.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While there is an initial investment in implementing touchscreen kiosks, they can ultimately reduce operational costs by automating tasks.

Contact us today about our touchscreen kiosks.

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